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Getting back on track

Now that summer is upon us, our regular household routines have gone out the window. To top that off, we were on vacation for a while so healthy eating and exercise were not the highest priority. When I'm on vacation, I take a complete break. I enjoy heavy restaurant meals, eat less fruits/veggies, drink lots of coffee, enjoy lots of treats and I take a break from regular exercise. It's actually good for us to have a physical and emotional break once in a while. The most important thing is to return to healthy habits and routines after taking a break. What I've found to be helpful is to pick one or two things to focus on for a few days as I ease back in. For example, this week, I'm going to hone in on exercising first thing in the morning and drinking plenty of water. I know that starting with those two things will get me moving in the right direction.

What will you do to kick-start your week?

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